.the anti socials

post world

.the anti socials

Genx pastoral idillic running in verdant fields was actually sitting for 3 hours in front of the TV by ourselves and eventually going out to play in the street and sometimes throwing rocks at each other. There was no more socialising special sauce than in any generation. Our parents scolded us for spending too much time in front of a screen instead of going out and interacting and we scold our children for spending too much time in front of a screen instead of going out and socialising. Little do we know our children socialise much more than we ever did, they’re hypersocial. The currency for any teenager is social interaction and social cred and that’s what we invented the internet for. In the valley between hyper local social and global hyper social we fail to recognize either. The same way hyper local social led to banishments and unbearable shame global hyper social leads to global banishments and global shame. This is the dark side of social, not internet cults but being judged by a number far greater than Dunbar’s.

(c) Carlos Morgado 2019,2020